Toni Wesner
Toni Wesner is a Christian prophetic artist whose mixed media collage paintings portray imagery that she is spiritually moved to create, connecting them with the One who gives her life, inspiration and hope. Toni’s work is deeply layered with color, collage, scripture, scribbled words of worship and prayer, broken lines and symbols with a spiritual narrative.
“My artwork is my worship, my spiritual journey. I was created to create for Him, with Him. As I surrender to His Spirit our hearts connect and it's from this place of freedom inspiration comes.
God is a loving Father who knows each of us, understands us and loves us beyond our comprehension. He created us for a specific purpose, a Kingdom purpose uniquely suited to us. We were created for relationship with Him and when we surrender to Him, His Spirit within us, we are never the same. As He reveals Himself in us and through us, a beautiful story begins to unfold, His story, uniquely and creatively expressed through us!

"Art is my painted testimony"