During the week of October 22nd through 27th, 2017 I had a series of dreams that were incredibly vivid and felt perfect peace in each of them. I knew I was in the presence of the Lord while actually in the dream and after I woke up in total awe. I knew that He was instructing me to study His Word and confirming my purpose to create art that glorifies Him. I recorded the dreams in a journal and have continued to journal as He continues to speak in dreams, His voice and His Word. The following three dreams are the reason why I paint and create art.
October 2017 Dreams
I was either standing in heaven or looking into heaven and before me was an immense wall that was covered in beautiful art. As I looked up, I saw that the wall was very high and had no end. All I could see was art. When I woke up I said “Yes Lord, I will paint!” I quickly painted what I saw in the days following the dream and plan on repainting it with more detail and color.
In the second dream I saw a very big beautiful window in front of me. On the left side of the wide window frame was collaged scripture. The view through the window was a vivid blue sky unlike any earthly blue sky I'd ever seen and golden wheat swaying gently in a light breeze.
In the third dream I was walking along a cobblestone pathway covered with scripture. The pathway led to a beautiful door that was opening with bright light shining through. I knew it was heaven. There was a beautiful clay pot of flowers by the door.
A Conversation With God
I can look back to the very beginning at this point in my life Lord and see you’ve always been there creating and encouraging me to join you. Here I am. I’ll give you my very best and pray it will inspire others to take a closer look at You, the freedom, hope, peace, love, and salvation you give so freely to all who come to You.

“For I know the plan I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11