Morning is my favorite time of day. I usually get up very early, make my way to the kitchen for coffee and then have quiet time with the Lord in my comfortable studio chair.
As sunrise approaches, I love to hear the birds begin to sing together.
I know they’re announcing and defending their territory but, I believe first and foremost, they’re singing to the Lord in unison, praising Him for the new day. He has planned every beautiful, miraculous detail!
This painting is how I imagine God intended the moments before sunrise to be as I painted….
The three little birds are a family. They’re all beautiful and colorful but have very unique feathers, He knows the number of feathers on each of them as well as their distinct voices and personalities . The oldest bird positions himself on the top perch to lead the chorus and the melodies begin. At first they're the only family singing…then other families begin to sing…and before you know it, they are all “Singing A New Song” and the whole earth is a symphony of worship and praise to the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth!
Won’t you join in? 🎶❤️
Singing A New Song
Mixed Media Cold Wax On Canvas
36" X 48"
"Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth."
(Psalm 98)
This painting has many layers and embedded words. Words on the surface are ; Arise in Joy etched around the sun, Psalm 98, Praise Him, Worship Him with melodies, poems and happy tunes oh families of the earth.